


Verger MO, Devillebichot M, Ringler E, Szabo B (2024) Sex-specific discrimination of familiar and unfamiliar mates in the Tokay gecko. Animal cognition, 27(1), 55.

Damas-Moreira I, Szabo B, Drosopoulos G, Stober C, Lisičić D, Caspers BA (2024) Smarter in the city? Lizards from urban and semi-natural habitats do not differ in a cognitive task in two syntopic species. Current Zoology, zoae010.

Guadagno A, Triki Z (2024) Executive functions and brain morphology of male and female dominant and subordinate cichlid fish. Brain and Behavior, 14(5), e3484.

La Loggia O, Taborsky B (2024) Social competence is influenced by early but not late life social experience in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour, 213, 85-93.

La Loggia O, Wilson AJ, Taborsky B (2024) Early social complexity influences social behaviour but not social trajectories in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science, 11(3), 230740.

Antunes DF, Stettler PR, Taborsky B (2024) The role of serotonin in modulating social competence in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behavioural brain research, 461, 114819.

Szabo B (2024) Changes in enclosure use and basking behaviour associated with pair housing in Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 272, 106179.

Damas-Moreira I, Szabo B, Drosopoulos G, Stober C, Lisičić D, Caspers BA (2024) Smarter in the city? Lizards from urban and semi-natural habitats do not differ in a cognitive task in two syntopic species. Current Zoology, zoae010.

Valencia-Aguilar A, Ringler E, Lüpold S, Guayasamin JM, Prado CPA (2024) Evolutionary trade-offs between testes size and parenting in Neotropical glassfrogs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20240054.

Ringler E, Dellefont K, Peignier M, Canoine V (2024) Water-borne testosterone levels predict exploratory tendency in male poison frogs. General and Comparative Endocrinology 346: 114416.




Probst A, Ringler E, Szabo B (2023) Prey size preference in the Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko). Behaviour 161: 71–87.

Angiolani-Larrea F, Jindiachi L, Tinajero-Romero J, Valencia-Aguilar A, Garrido-Priego M, Culebras J, Ringler E (2023) Egg burying behaviour in Pristimantis highlights the link between direct development and specialized parental care. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10808.

Bégué L, Tschirren N, Peignier M, Szabo B, Ringler E (2023) Behavioural consistency across metamorphosis in a neotropical poison frog. Evolutionary Ecology.

Cadena-Ortiz H, Angiolani F (2023) Primera descripción del nido de Sapayoa aenigma (Sapayoidae) en Ecuador. Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología 9: 136-139.

Szabo B, Holmes ML, Ashton BJ, Whiting MJ (2023) Spontaneous quantity discrimination in the Australian sleepy lizard (Tiliqua rugosa). Behavioral Ecology, arad089.

Peignier M, Ringler M, Ringler E (2023) Odor cues rather than personality affect tadpole deposition in a neotropical poison frog. Current Zoology – in press.

Peignier M, Araya-Ajoy YG, Ringler M, Ringler E (2023) Personality traits differentially affect components of reproductive success in a Neotropical poison frog. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20231551.

Ringler E, Rojas B, Stynoski J, Schulte L (2023) What amphibians can teach us about the evolution of parental care. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 54: 43–62.

Culebras J, Angiolani F (2023) First record of complete albinism in a species of the genus Pristimantis jiménez de la espada, 1870 (Anura: Strabomantidae) in the Ecuadorian andes. Revista latinoamericana de herpetología 6: 32-35.

Garrido-Priego M, Aragonés D, Liedtke HC, Whitworth A, Gomez-Mestre I (2023) Remote sensing and citizen science to characterize the ecological niche of an endemic and endangered Costa Rican poison frog. Amphibia-Reptilia 44: 227-242.

Peignier M, Bégué L, Ringler M, Szabo B, Ringler E (2023) Regardless of personality, males show similar levels of plasticity in territory defense in a Neotropical poison frog. Sci Rep 13: 3435.

Szabo B, Ringler E (2023) Geckos differentiate self from other using both skin and faecal chemicals: evidence towards self-recognition?. Animal Cognition 26: 1011-1019.

Bégué L, Peignier M, Ringler E (2023) The link between animal personality and habitat selection in males of the Neotropical poison frog Allobates femoralis. Behaviour 160: 257-274.




Liedtke HC, Lyakurwa JV, Lawson LP, Menegon M, Garrido-Priego M, Mariaux J, ... & Loader SP (2022) Thirty years of amphibian surveys in the Ukagurus Mountains of Tanzania reveal new species, yet others are in decline. African Journal of Herpetology 71: 119-138.

Pašukonis A, Serrano-Rojas SJ, Fischer M-T, Loretto M-C, Shaykevich DA, Rojas B, Ringler M, Roland A-B, Marcillo-Lara A, Ringler E, Rodríguez C, Coloma LA, O’Connell LA (2022) Contrasting parental roles shape sex differences in poison frog space use but not navigational performance. eLife 11:e80483.

La Loggia O, Rüfenacht A, Taborsky B (2022) Fish can infer relations between colour cues in a non-social learning task. Biology Letters 18: 20220321.

Szabo B, Ringler E (2022) Fear of the new? Geckos hesitate to attack novel prey, feed near objects and enter a novel space. Animal Cognition, early online.

Peignier M, Bégué L, Gieseke A, Petri D, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Mate choice in a promiscuous poison frog. Ethology 128: 693-703.

Paulsson, N. I., & Taborsky, M. (2022). Norway rats help social partners in need in response to ultrasonic begging signals. Ethology 128: 724-733.

Engelhardt, S. C., & Taborsky, M. (2022). Food-exchanging Norway rats apply the direct reciprocity decision rule rather than copying by imitation. Animal Behaviour 194: 265-274.

García-Ruiz, I., & Taborsky, M. (2022). Group augmentation on trial: helpers in small groups enhance antipredator defence of eggs. Biology Letters 18: 20220170.

Antunes, D. F., Soares, M. C., & Taborsky, M. (2022). Dopamine modulates social behaviour in cooperatively breeding fish. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 550: 111649.

Greis L, Ringler E, Whiting M, Szabo B (2022) Lizards lack a speed-accuracy trade-off when making quantitative decisions in a foraging context. Behavioural Processes 202: 104749.

Peignier M, Furdi B, Bégué L, Ringler E (2022) A comparative table for staging anuran embryos from terrestrial clutches based on the Brilliant-thighed Poison Frog, Allobates femoralis (Anura: Dendrobatidae) Herpetology Notes 15: 723-727.

Peignier M, Araya-Ajoy YG, Bégué L, Chaloupka S, Dellefont K, Leeb C, Walsh P, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Exploring links between personality traits and their social and non-social environments in wild poison frogs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 1-14.

Lemaire, J., Brischoux, F., Marquis, O., Mangione, R., Caut, S., Brault-Favrou, M., Churlaud, C., Bustamante, P (2022) Relationships between stable isotopes and trace element concentrations in the crocodilian community of French Guiana. Science of the Total Environment 837: 155846.

Reyes-Contreras M, Taborsky B (2022) Stress axis programming generates long-term effects on cognitive abilities in a cooperative breeder. Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20220117.

García-Ruiz I, Quiñones A, Taborsky M (2022) The evolution of cooperative breeding by direct and indirect fitness effects. Science Advances 8: eabl7853. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl7853

Taborsky, B., Kuijper, B., Fawcett, T. W., English, S., Leimar, O., McNamara, J. M., & Ruuskanen, S. (2022). An evolutionary perspective on stress responses, damage and repair. Hormones and behavior 142: 105180.

Ringler M, Himmel T, Werner P, Luger M, Rössler DC, Ringler E, Lötters S. (2022) Male life history of a harlequin toad from French Guiana. Salamandra. 58: 171–186. PDF

Toszeghi MF, Valencia-Aguilar A, Nuñez Escalante R, Angiolani-Larrea FN, Garrido-Priego M, Culebras J, Ringler E (2022) Predation on Dermophis sp. (Gymnophiona: Dermophiidae) by Bothrops asper (Serpentes: Viperidae) in La Gamba Field Station, Costa Rica. Herpetology Notes 15: 307-309.

Rodríguez C, Fusani L, Raboisson G, Hödl W, Ringler E, Canoine V (2022) Androgen responsiveness to simulated territorial intrusions in Allobates femoralis males: evidence supporting the challenge hypothesis in a territorial frog. General and Comparative Endocrinology.

Chaloupka S, Peignier M, Stückler S, Araya-Ajoy Y, Walsh P, Ringler M, Ringler E (2022) Repeatable territorial aggression in a Neotropical poison frog. Frontiers in Ecology and Evoluion 10: 881387.

Guayasamin J M, Brunner RM, Valencia-Aguilar A, Franco-Mena D, Ringler E, Medina AF, Morochz C, Bustamante L, Maynard RJ, Culebras J (2022). Two new glassfrogs (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from Ecuador, with comments on the endangered biodiversity of the Andes. PeerJ 10:e13109

Szabo B, Valencia-Aguilar A, Damas-Moreira I, Ringler E (2022). Wild cognition – Linking form and function of cognitive abilities within a natural context. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 44: 101115.

Wanzenböck S, Fuxjäger L, Ringler E, Ahnelt H and Shama LNS (2022). Temperature-Dependent Reproductive Success of Stickleback Lateral Plate Morphs: Implications for Population Polymorphism and Range Shifts Under Ocean Warming. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:759450.



Szabo, B., Mangione, R., Rath, M., Pašukonis, A., Reber, S.A., Oh, J., Ringler, M. and Ringler, E. (2021). Naïve Poison Frog tadpoles use bi-modal cues to avoid insect predators but not heterospecific predatory tadpoles. Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (24): jeb243647. [PDF]

Josi, D., Heg, D., Takeyama, T., Bonfils, D., Konovalov, D.A., Frommen, J.G., Kohda, M., Taborsky, M. (2021). Age- and sex-dependent variation in relatedness corresponds to reproductive skew, territory inheritance, and workload in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Evolution (2021) [PDF]

Josi, D., Flury J.M., Reyes-Contreras, M., Tanaka, H., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Sex-specific routes to independent breeding in a polygynous cooperative breeder. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:750483 [PDF]

Paulsson, N.I., Taborsky, M. (2021). Reaching out for inaccessible food is a potential begging signal in cooperating wild-type Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus. Front. Psychol. 12:712333 [PDF]

Freudiger, A., Josi, D., Thünken, T., Herder, F., Flury, J.M., Marques, D.A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. (2021). Ecological variation drives morphological differentiation in a highly social vertebrate. Functional Ecology 2021, 1-16 [PDF]

Sharda, S., Zuest, T., Erb, M. & Taborsky, B. (2021). Predator-induced maternal effects determine adaptive antipredator behaviors via egg composition. PNAS 118, e2017063118. [pdf]

Antunes, D.F., Teles, M.C., Zuellin, M., Frisen, C.N., Oliveira, R.F., Aubin-Horth, N. & Taborsky, B. (2021).Early social deprivation shapes neuronal programming of the social decision-making network in a cooperatively breeding fish. Mol Ecol. 30, 4118 - 4132. [pdf]

Taborsky, B. (2021). Editorial for Special Issue “The evolution of social behaviour” of Ethology 127, 751-757. [pdf]

Taborsky, B. (2021). A positive feedback loop between sociality and social competence. Ethology 127, 774-789. [pdf]

Jordan, L.A., Taborsky, B. & Taborsky M. (2021). Cichlids as a model system for studying social behaviour and evolution. In M. E. Abate & D. L. G. Noakes (Eds.), The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes. Springer, pp. 587-635 [link] [PDF]

Taborsky, M., Cant, M.A., Komdeur, J. (2021). The Evolution of Social Behaviour. Cambridge University Press [link]

Lemaire, J., Bustamante, P., Mangione, R., Marquis, O., Churlaud, C., Brault-Favrou, M., ... & Brischoux, F. (2021). Lead, mercury, and selenium alter physiological functions in wild caimans (Caiman crocodilus). Environmental Pollution, 117549.

Lerena, D.A.M., Antunes, D.F., Taborsky, B. (2021): The interplay between winner-loser effects and social rank in cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Animal Behaviour 177, 19-29. [PDF]

Taborsky, B., English, S., Fawcett, T.W., Kuijper, B., Leimar, O., McNamara, J.M., Ruuskanen, S. & Sandi, C. 2021. Towards an evolutionary theory of stress responses. Trends. Ecol. Evol  36, 39-48 [pdf]

Szabo, B., Noble, D. W. A., McCloghry, K. J., Monteiro, M. E. S., Whiting, M. J. (2021) Spontaneous quantity discrimination in a family-living lizard, Behavioral Ecology, (early online),

Nuotclà, J. A., Diehl, J. M. C., & Taborsky, M. (2021). Habitat quality determines dispersal decisions and fitness in a beetle-fungus mutualism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 242. [PDF]

Kettler, N., Schweinfurth, M.K. & Taborsky, M. (2021). Rats show direct reciprocity when interacting with multiple partners. Scientific Reports 11, 3228. [PDF]

Szabo, B., Noble, D. W. A., & Whiting, M. J. (2021). Learning simple and compound stimuli in a social lizard (Egernia stokesii). Journal of Comparative Psychology. Advance online publication.

Burgstaller, S., Leeb, C., Ringler, M., Gollmann, G. (2021). Demography and spatial activity of fire salamanders, Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758), in two contrasting habitats in the Vienna Woods. Herpetozoa 34: 23-34. [PDF]

Stettler, P. R., Antunes, D. F., & Taborsky, B. (2021). The serotonin 1A receptor modulates the social behaviour within groups of a cooperatively-breeding cichlid. Hormones and Behavior, 129, 104918. [PDF]

Antunes, D. F., Reyes-Contreras, M., Glauser, G., & Taborsky, B. (2021). Early social experience has life-long effects on baseline but not stress-induced cortisol levels in a cooperatively breeding fish. Hormones and Behavior, 128, 104910. [PDF]



Szabo, B., Noble, D. W. A., Whiting, M. J. (2020). Learning in non-avian reptiles 40 years on: advances and promising new directions. Biological Reviews. doi:10.1111/brv.12658 [pdf]

Szabo, B., Hoefer, S., Whiting, M. J. (2020). Are lizards capable of inhibitory control? Performance on a semi-transparent version of the cylinder task in five species of Australian skinks. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74, 118. doi:10.1007/s00265-020-02897-y (Link to data) [pdf]

​Josi, D., Freudiger, A., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Experimental predator intrusions in a cooperative breeder reveal threat-dependent task partitioning. Behav. Ecol. 1-10. doi:10.1093/beheco/araa094 [pdf]

Naef, J. Taborsky, M. 2020. Punishment controls helper defence against egg predators but not fish predators in cooperatively breeding cichlids. Anim. Behav. 168:137-147. [pdf]

Landes, J., Engelhardt, S. C., and Pelletier, F.. 2020. An introduction to event history analyses for ecologists. Ecosphere 11( 10):e03238. 10.1002/ecs2.3238 [pdf]

Antunes, D., Taborsky, B. 2020. Early social and ecological experience triggers divergent reproductive investment strategies in a cooperative breeder. Sci. Rep. 10:10407 [pdf]

Durrer, L., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J. G. 2020. Group-sized preferences in a shoaling cichlid. Behaviour 157:415-431 [pdf]

Schulte LM, Ringler E, Rojas B, Stynoski JL (2020) Developments in Amphibian Parental Care Research: History, Present Advances and Future Perspectives. Herp. Monogr. 34(1): 71–97. [pdf]

Sonnleitner R, Loretto M-C, Ringler M, Ringler E (2020) Experience shapes accuracy in territorial decision-making in a poison frog. Biol. Lett. 16: 20200094 [pdf]

Biedermann P.H.W., Nuotcla J.A. 2020. "Social Beetles". In: C.K. Starr (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Insects, Springer. [pdf]

Fischer M-T, Ringler M, Ringler E, Pašukonis A (2020) Reproductive behavior drives female space use in a sedentary Neotropical frog. PeerJ  8:e8920 [pdf]

Varma, V., Vasoya, H., Jain, A., Binoy, V. V. 2020. ‘The Bold are the Sociable’: Personality traits and laterality in an indigenous megafish, the Deccan Mahseer (Tor khudree). Ichthyol. Res. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00744-8 [pdf]

Schneeberger, K., Röder, G., Taborsky, M. 2020. The smell of hunger: Norway rats provision social partners based on odour cues of need. PLoS Biol. 18(3): e3000628 [pdf]

Nyman, C., Herbert, F. O., Bessert-Nettelbeck, M., Aubin-Horth, N., Taborsky, B. 2020. Transcriptomic signatures of social experience during early development in a highly social cichlid fish. Mol. Ecol. 29: 610-623 [pdf]

Naef, J., Taborsky, M. 2020. Commodity-specific punishment for experimentally induced defection in cooperatively breeding fish. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 191808 [pdf] [Featured in "The Economist"]

Josi, D., Taborsky, M., Frommen, J.G. 2020. Investment of group members is contingent on helper number and the presence of young in a cooperative breeder. Anim. Behav. 160: 35-42. [pdf]

Schneeberger, K., Taborsky, M. 2020. The role of sensory ecology and cognition in social decisions: Costs of acquiring information matter. Funct. Ecol. 34: 302-309 [pdf]

Engelhardt, S.C., Taborsky, M. 2020. Broad definitions of enforcement are unhelpful for understanding evolutionary mechanisms of cooperation. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 4(3) 322-322 [pdf]

Taborsky, M., Riebli, T. (2020). Coaction vs. Reciprocal cooperation among unrelated individuals in social cichlids. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7: 515. [pdf]

Schweinfurth, M.K., Taborsky, M. (2020). Rats play tit-for-tat instead of integrating social experience over multiple interactions. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20192423. [pdf] [UniBe press release]